Situated near Hartman Creek, the Kletzien Mound Group is one of the best-preserved and longest-known in the state (the park was open
to public in 1966). It has well-developed trails and abundant signage and interpretive material. Even though the group is surrounded on
all sides by private homeowners' backyards, one can experience solitude and reflection in the deep shade of the park's canopy. This
park is often compared to the Lizard Mound County Park further west. The most unique feature of this park, though, apart from the
highest number of deer effigies ever found in one group, is an exhibit of an open mound with a burial inside. I think the open mound
display is important to illustrate that many mounds are burial sites and should be treated as such - with respect, not like cute animal-shaped hills for kids to play on or people to dig into looking for artifacts (this practice was common weekend pastime in the early 20th century).